Calibration of a 3D printer
List of the steps and of the requirement of each step
(work in progress)
In my experience calibrating a 3D printer I built from scratch is a very time consuming process. Moreover, the various steps are interrelated so that a specific order is preferable to obtain optimal results.
I wrote this guide for my own use so that I can come here, copy/paste/download what I need, and avoid missing steps. I'm making the guide public so that other people can take advantage from it and so that they can help improving it.
This guide is based on the Klipper firmware, which I like very much.
This page is only an index page, pointing to the various pages describing the steps in more details (or sometimes simply linking the official documentation).
Here I'm listing for each step two important information: prior calibration steps which are required and events which should trigger a recalibration.
Physical parameters of the printer
Repeat depending on:
- physical parameters of the bed (material, thickness, heater)
- potentially chamber temperature (personally I have no experience)
Repeat depending on:
- physical parameters of the extruder
BLtouch offset calibration
Repeat depending on:
- physical parameters of nozzle
- wear of nozzle
Resonance compensation
- PID tunings
- rotation distance calibration (not necessarily accurate)
Repeat depending on:
- physical parameters of the kinematics and printer (belts and tension, gantry, frame stiffness, printer location, dampening feet)
Filament-related parameters
These calibrations all require the previous ones.
- rotation distance (not necessarily very accurate)
- extrusion temperature
Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
- extrusion temperature
- nozzle diameter
Rotation distance
- extrusion temperature
Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
- extrusion temperature
- nozzle diameter
- flow rate
Optimal bed temperature
- PID tunings
- extrusion temperature
- rotation distance
Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
- physical parameters of the bed (material, thickness, heater)
- choice of glue or adhesives
Extrusion temperature
- PID tunings
- realistic rotation distance
Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
Pressure advance
- PID tunings
- PID tunings
Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
- temperature
Cooling speeds Repeat depending on:
- filament brand
- filament material
- temperature
Author: Olaf Marzocchi
First revision: 2021-02-16.
Last revision: 2021-02-18.