Finch — 27 aprile 2012, 11:04
Grazi for maknig it nice and EZ.
peter — 06 agosto 2011, 12:07
Nice resource, and great pictures
Olaf — 19 marzo 2010, 15:43
I think I soldered it incorrectly: my iron has a very large tip, so I made short circuits and such. I tried to correct them, but, planning to do everything right on the first attempt, I think I left the battery connected, therefore maybe the chip was destroyed... I saw sparkles between the pins.
If you know how to solder and you have a good iron, try it! I think you can still find the chips somewhere.
Mr.White — 16 marzo 2010, 14:12
Backlight in my Palm Vx also stopped working, so I have to reopen it as I didn't check the function of backlight before replacing the battery.
If you soldered the new EL driver chio and it did not work, so there has to be some other defect?
Giulio Guerrini — 10 agosto 2008, 17:57
Ciao Olaf,
ho un palmare identico che è caduto da una sedia e non funziona più, pensi che potresti ripararlo ?
fammi sapere